iyama design

mt ex poster

各地で展開中の『mt ex』展のポスターです。その地で登場するテープの紹介であり、コラージュ的な見せ方によって、mtを使う楽しみにも通ずる世界観を伝えることが狙いです。会場でDMとともにtake freeにして置いていますので、お手に取ってご覧ください。(数に限りがございます。品切れの際にはご容赦ください。)

These are posters for the promotional exhibition ‘mtex’ which is held around the world.The aim of these posters is to introduce the variety of tapes for each exhibition, and at the same time, showing the tapes in collage expression so that you can feel mt’s joyous aspect. You can take them free in the exhibition as well as the post cards.There are limited numbers of stock. We apologize for running out.


© iyamadesign inc.